How You Choose to Think About Diet and Exercise is Key to Your Weight Management Success

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How we choose to think about things makes all of the difference in our motivation towards it.

For example, our knee-jerk thought about exercise is it's something we HAVE to do in order to control our weight.

This causes us to feel dread, and dread does not spur action to workout.

Or, many people view eating healthy, whole foods as punishment over fun, highly pleasure-producing (dopamine rush) processed sugar and refined flour-filled foods.

Viewing foods this way creates the feeling of deprivation which we resist with willpower, and eventually our willpower runs out and we go back to eating foods that don’t serve our weight maintenance goals.

What if instead, we choose to see exercise and eating healthy, whole foods as a gift we give to our amazing body and mind that are always working for us?

This shift in thinking not only generates gratitude, but also motivation to take action for self-care.

Our motivation is never “lost” or in need of being “found;” we are always creating it by what we choose to believe and by the options we’re giving ourselves in our mind.

Pay attention to your programmed thoughts and reactions, and choose deliberately to support your weight management success.


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