Take Control of Your Weight With A Decision


What do you want?

Do you want to lose weight for the last time?

Do you want to be free from the overdesire for desserts, salty snack foods, bread, or other foods made with flour and sugar?

Do you want to feel in control around food?

For many of my clients, this is what they truly want, however, their previous failed attempts to maintain their goal weight and stop overeating has them feeling that this is impossible to achieve.

This history shapes the decisions they make now.

Our minds like to make decisions from the past because this is predictable, feels safe, and is believable.

We create stories from a series of thoughts in our mind based on our past failures about what we’re capable of.

We project these stories onto the future.

I have great news…this is just a story, optional, programmed thoughts strung together, and not truths.

These practiced and repeated thoughts come to us so naturally that they feel like a truth.

This doesn’t make our thought true—it just makes you believe it is true

Truth is not something that exists outside of us—it is a decision

Truths are choices, and separating our beliefs (truths) from facts makes this easier to understand.

You can change the story to make it useful.

To change you’re going to have to be willing to be wrong about yourself.

Asking yourself empowering questions like, “How have these weight loss experiences been perfect for me?” will open your mind to a point of view that has been overlooked because your mind has been focused on doubt, failure, and feeling limited.

Another great question is, “Who can I be?”

This turns our attention away from the past, and redirects it towards the future where new creations are made.

In order to achieve new results, you have to take new action.

To achieve new results, you have to believe something you’ve never believed before.

Your past doesn’t have anything to do with your future.

All of your past attempts got you to where you are now.

You have gained valuable information about what worked, and what didn’t work to guide you.

Consider the following empowering story that is available for you to choose to believe:

  • You have never been able to do this so far, but this time is different.

  • You are becoming someone who stays at her goal weight.

  • You are learning a new relationship with yourself and food.

  • Your past does not define where you’re going.

  • You are in this for the long term.

  • It is possible that it doesn’t have to be a struggle to lose and maintain weight.

  • It is possible that you can learn to follow through on decisions you’ve made with your highest self-interest in mind.

  • You truly want to be healthy, and become a person who is able to stay on track.

What do you really want?

Decisions set the course of our lives.

Decisions start action.

Decisions kick-off the process for turning what is possible for us from being obstructed to transparent.

So, the first step is to decide what you do want.

Be very clear about your decision.

Decide the result you are committed to.

Your decision will determine what actions you will take.

How are you going to live today—what actions are you going to take in order to create the tomorrow you’re committed to?

It’s not important where you start out, but the decisions you make about where you’re determined to end up that matter.

Weight management is a series of small decisions made daily to produce the result you’re committed to.

These conscious decisions don’t end once you have achieved your goal weight.

To support your goal weight for a lifetime requires conscious, daily decisions to be made always.

Decisions will be continuously made regardless.

Life is made up of a series of decisions.

Most of these decisions have been unconsciously made.

Unconscious decisions do not support our weight loss goals, and usually result in satisfying the need for instant gratification.

Decide today to make conscious decisions from this point forward to align with and support what you truly desire, and take control of your results.

Life Coach and Author, Tony Robbins, has created “The Ultimate Success Formula” to use to achieve your desired result:

1.      Decide what you DO want.  Be specific so you have clarity.

2.      Take action.  You don’t need to know the “how”—taking action will reveal the “how.”

3.      Notice what’s working and what’s not working.  This is where the “how” is uncovered.

4.      Change your approach until you achieve what you want.

Tony mentions an important point in his book, Awaken the Giant Within, “The power of decision is available to you now, and it’s available to everyone, not just a select few.”

Will today be the day you decide it’s time to move on from where you are?


There is No Hurry to Lose Weight


Overeating is Not a Huge Mistake—Tomorrow’s a Second Chance